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God Gave Us an Awesome Work

Writer's picture: Anthony OureAnthony Oure

Githurai church of Christ, Kenya

It's with a lot of happiness that God has enabled each one of us to come to this far end of 2023. This is purely by the grace of God. 

This year, we have been able to share the gospel around Githurai 45 and it's surrounding towns like Mwiki, Roysambu, Mumbi, Githurai 44, Kahawa Wendani and Manguo. All these are areas earmarked for future church planting. Whichever area God will begin with, glory to His name! 

We did so through the following means:

1. Door to door evangelism- this is my best means of reaching people. I interact with an individual or family one-on-one, opening scriptures. 


2. Through believers - We teach the believers the word, then as they interact with neighbors, friends, and business colleagues, they share the word and invite them to church. Also, when they meet difficult circumstances such as hard questions, they make appointments with us as preachers. 


3. Family days - These are also very good days where we make food as a church. Some prepare food according to their means and ability, and we all fellowship as a church. We usually invite family members and friends of the believers so that we worship together and thereafter we eat together. Through this love, we make a lot of friends. It becomes so easy to share the word with them thereafter. 


4. Meeting the needs of individuals in the community - We have tried as a church to collect food and clothing, and distribute to a believers and non-believers. We have also visited the sick in hospitals and encouraged and prayed for them many times.


There is a family of one of the teachers that we evangelized when they lost their three 3 children, two sons and a daughter through a terrible accident. Their former "church" wanted a fee for the pastor to come and comfort them throughout the funeral. When I learned of this, I went to them and mobilized the church to contribute and support them. This family is with us now and they have also helped in evangelizing to many more. 


5. Couples seminars - We did a few of these meetings. We couldn't do more because we need more funding. However, the few we had helped strengthen families and reduced divorce and separation cases. 


6. House to house fellowship - We went around to almost every believers house and prayed together. Through this we were able to learn so many challenges that people are going through. This made us dedicate good to time to pray for them, encourage them, and even provide some support for them



This year the Church grew to 160 people including children

  • 48 children

  • 73 women

  • 39 men

  • Total 160

1. Baptisms - This year we baptized 11 new believers. We evangelized to many. However, as I studied with them I realized that some had already been baptized in other branches of churches in their villages. I continue to study with them. Please keep me in your prayers.


2. Rent payment - I want to thank CMI on behalf of Githurai church of Christ for helping us overcome our struggle to pay the churches rent. More so, the decision that was recently made to support us with $225. This will help us to continue paying our rent. This is a house of worship and Bible study. Our biggest prayer for 2024 is to buy land and own a permanent place of worship. Keep us in prayer for this. 


3. Support of five orphans - We have several orphans in the church. As a congregation, we are able to help five get their school fees, clothes, food and some other necessities. This year another one completed 8th grade, and passed so well. We are hopeful we can help him complete his education. Keep us in your prayers for this boy. The mother survives by buying a few watermelons, she cuts it into small pieces and sells them. This is how she gets rent and food. She is a very committed woman in out church. Kindly plead for CMI on our behalf of her son so we help him to join secondary school if possible. 


4. Purchase of 50 more chairs - We are slowly learning that it's good to do what we are able to do. It touches my heart to see a few individuals purchase chairs and bring to the church. We are growing! 


5. Benevolence - Several believers lost close family members. As a church we tried to stand by them. I really appreciate CMI for making the decision to help support us with $50 for benevolence. I know that the needs are very many, but these funds will help. Thank you very much! 


6. Maintained a growing church - In the midst many denominations that consider a church of Christ as a dull church, it has not been so easy. But today, Githurai church of Christ is growing more than most of the criticizing denominations. This is a very big achievement to be considered. We are finding a lot of favor with the people of the Githurai region. We don't engage in denominational politics. We are always preaching Christ alone. 

I also want to let you know that your visit to Kenya, and Githurai in particular, boosted our image a lot. You supported the meeting with food and most of the attendees went home with a packet of maize flour. This showed a lot of love and care for this community. 


7. Dedication of children - This year we dedicated 27 newborns. We count this as one way the Church grew.


8. Dedication of a brother's new motorbike - As a Church, we also appreciate to see that struggling families are working hard to grow. This reduces a lot of dependency on the church. This is a topic I have endeavored to teach. I have encouraged families to engage with small businesses to help them make ends meet. I am so happy for brother Zachary Obuya, who brought me his motorbike yesterday to dedicate it to the church. Maybe this is our first means of transportation. I can't take this for granted.

9. Purchase of Bibles - The Bible is a necessary tool to help believers know God and know the truth. It's one thing I really appreciate that you helped us get Bibles which I distributed. Thank you very much. 


10. Prepared four new evangelists - A good staff always assures good production. In preparation for church growth and many more branches, I am busy doing a lot of mentorships. We have identified a potential place to plant a second church in this region. There are several believers coming from a place called Mwili. These brethren cover more than 3 kilometers back and forth every week. I pray that we plant a church for them in February, 2024. Kindly keep us in prayer for this. We will provide rent and transportation for the preacher we will send or I may go.



My wife and daughter have suffered many illnesses. Thank you CMI supporters! I really appreciate you in a very big way. Rod, you have been my real father. The relationship between you and I has truly been of a father who does everything possible to see that his son is not ashamed in anyway. I will always realize this and appreciate you🙏. I was struggling in so many ways before you came into my life.

 You've helped in so many ways, it's hard to mention everything. But I know that you have been of such great help to me and the church. 



Bibles - We urgently need 22 Bibles; 15 ESV and 5 Swahili Bibles. We have new believers that we evangelized and others that we baptized. They really need Bibles. 

Thank you very much,

Anthony Oure, Evangelist

Githurai church of Christ

Githurai, Kenya

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Central Missions International

Address: 6221 Proctor Rd., Sarasota, FL 34241

Central Missions International plants churches, mentors young evangelists, and cares for orphans worldwide. Our primary focus is Joshua Village for Orphans in Kenya. We also work in Haiti, The Dominican Republic, Pakistan, India, and anywhere lost souls need to be found.

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6221 Proctor Rd., Sarasota, Florida, USA 

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